CSL Foundation, in conjunction with Bodylines Pilates and The Shirley Playground Board helped raise $13,000 for a new playground for Lura A. White Elementary School in Shirley, MA. The event, Playground Pilates, was in line with CSL’s Mission of promoting healthy living. CSL worked with Bodylines and Shirley Playground Board to develop activities for students around dodge ball, Pilates and other outdoor activities. CSL donated over 100 dodgeballs to attending children while Bodylines donated staff and resources to help coordinate the event.
The event was extremely successful with over 100 children from ages 5 to 9 attending along with parents. It was the largest grossing fundraiser for the playground and got Shirley within $5,000 of its goal.
The event also increased awareness with Legislators and led to a grant from the state. The playground is currently installed and in use.